Simple Ways to Manage Chronic Stress


We are living in uncertain times. We all know it. We all feel it. For obvious reasons, a lot of us are experiencing heightened levels of stress and anxiety. Stress can rear its head in many different ways, and take many different forms: Inability to sleep, catastrophic thinking, elevated heart rate, low energy levels, or physical changes such as weight gain or weight loss. 

Experiencing stress right now is understandable. Even when we are not in the midst of a global pandemic, life can be difficult and stress can seem ever- present. Some of us are so used to existing in a constant state of stress and tension, that we can’t even imagine who we would be without it. And that is where it gets tricky, my friends. Stress can actually be really healthy for our systems but when we experience an overwhelming amount of it our bodies will feel the impact.

You’re not alone in this, but you also don’t have to stay in a stressed state of mind. The next time you feel overwhelmed, try one of these simple stress management suggestions: 

Set a boundary. Even though we may have a little bit more time on our hands these days, we still need to learn when to say no to things that create excessive stress in our lives. You probably already know what these are for you. Think about our own life, and the difference between what you need to do, and what you “should” do. When we create space for ourselves by saying no, we are giving ourselves the gift to explore ways to healthily manage the stress that comes up in our bodies.

Seek social support. This, of course, looks different right now, but may be more important than ever. Call someone you feel comfortable with. Someone who you know will listen without judgment. This could be a friend, family member, or a therapist. 

Limit tech time. Between email alerts, social media, and the news at our fingertips, it’s no wonder we feel stressed out. What would it look like for you to spend a little bit less time on your phone? Maybe start by taking a walk and leaving it at home, if you’re able. Perhaps deleting social media for just one day and noticing how it makes you feel. If you want to dive further into the benefits of limiting your phone time, check out this blog post.

Don’t wait to relieve stress. Acknowledge it in the moment. Call it what it is. This is where the power of breath can come into play. Breathing deeply and mindfully can be extremely difficult when we are feeling stressed, but it is a game changer. There are a lot of avenues to learn about breath work so here are some links for you:

XPTlife App

This yoga nidra episode.

I also recommend you try out the insight timer app or hop into one of my weekly breath work sessions online. Click here for more info about that class.

As we go into the weekend, my hope for you is that you care for yourself like you would a dear friend. If you find that you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed, don’t be hard on yourself. Rather, acknowledge the stress and if you’re ready, try one of the ideas above. See what happens.