When to give up...
I committed to writing once a week as a way to improve my writing skills and discipline myself to post my work even when it did not feel pretty or worthy of being read. Sticking to my goal is usually not too challenging. I will post a little late some days, but my goal to get the post written before noon is generally achievable.
Interestingly enough, everything changes around midterms and finals season. I am currently in the thick of one of the busiest weeks of the semester and not only do I have school to wrangle but I have two dentist appointments and another doctors appointment (I am losing my insurance on Saturday, #26 is a betch). So not only do I have a bunch of stupid Dr's appointments, I also have the usual work and sleep and eating and working out things. OH and I am supposed to see my friends and boyfriend sometime as well. You can see how easy it would be to slide my writing aside and focus on the other things garnering for my attention.
It would be so nice to give up on my writing, just for a week...To give myself some rest and deal with my "writers block".
BTW did I mention I don't believe in writers block? Seth Godin gives a great (and short) argument against writers block, I would recommend it to you if you are interested.
He emphasizes that the writing isn't the hard part, it is the commitment. My commitment to write once a week is a bit paltry compared to his staunch collection of a post a day, but maybe one day I will work toward that. For right now, I am committed to posting once a week and I am committed to never using writer's block as an excuse. I think there is a time and a place for giving up, but most of the time the commitment isn't actually as hard as it seems. Sitting down to do the thing can be painful, but once you start you may surprise yourself by all of the words you can create.
Happy Monday, sorry this is a bit late, I am a little busy :).