Is "Living in Squalor" Worth it?
Taken from @Karlareed on instagram!
My girl crush on J.K. increased exponentially when I saw that quote. The great J.K. has spoken about housework and it looks like it is OK to leave it undone #thanksthatisallthepermissionineeded. I love her work, her wit, and her amazing tenacity to get her work done. Her comment about "living in squalor" got me thinking. I began to wonder about the things that I am willing to give up in order to achieve what needs to be done. Many of you may be thinking "omg I couldn't possibly live with a messy house and get work done, it just makes me lose focus" which is fine, but I bet you have something else that might need to go on the back burner if you want to get published, get healthy/fit, get smarter, or even if your goal is to slow down and rest (one of the best goals for our busy mindsets!).
Something has got to give if you want to go for something bigger. I am honestly not sure what it is for me, maybe housework, maybe cleaning out my car (these are things I am already kind of terrible at). So I am not sure what I am going to have to give up on in order to accomplish my goals. You can bet I'll be looking out for it though.